Premature ejaculation happens when a man ejaculates soon during sexual intercourse, just after penetration. In such a condition penis comes in a normal stage, and penetration is not possible again. It is a common issue in many men. Are you the one with such problems? Are you wondering what to ask the sexologist on your first visitor consultation date?

What is the symptoms of premature ejaculation?

  • Ejaculation during foreplay.
  • Just after penetration, ejaculation occurs.
  • Penetrate well, but during stroking in mid, you ejaculate.
  • What can be the reason for premature ejaculation?
  • Biological and psychological factors are responsible for premature ejaculation. Like anxiety, low confidence, worry about performance, hormonal dis-balance, neurotransmitters, physical health issues, etc.
  •  What are the medicines for premature ejaculation? 
  • Ayurvedic medicines are available to treat premature ejaculation. What medicine for premature ejaculation will suit you will depend on the adversity of the condition. medicine for premature ejaculation.  
  • Is counseling work to cure premature ejaculation?
  • Counseling play’s an essential role because, in this, your doctor is aware of the psychological and biological factors that raise your premature ejaculation problem. Accordingly, he advised you.  

Dr. Vijay Abbot offers treatment for premature ejaculation and is the best in the industry.

 He prefers a combination of Unani and Ayurveda medicines to treat premature ejaculation. These ayurvedic medicines are more effective without any adverse effects on your sexuality and permanently cure premature ejaculation. We are sure there are many other questions that you wish to ask. You can take Dr. Abbot's appointment online or offline and ask him. 

You are not the one having this problem. There are many men with similar problems. Timely treatment can help you overcome the problem and lead a healthy and successful sexual life. Discuss your problems with your doctor and it will help you to get the best treatment from your sexologist in central Delhi.