And our qualified medical colleagues are holding a Dharna against Policies of Government. It is a Non Violent Demonstration like Gandhiji Taught us years ago.

Being tolerant has its advantages and disadvantages.

Is it a silent way to protest without hurting anyone??

None of us want to be hurt through self, through bottled up emotions of being taken for a ride by some incompetent non deserving 'other' while we seem to put up a brave front while holding silent protests

Will authorities listen to demands made by doctors about Not including Quacks in same category as qualified doctors / give powers to midwives to carry out abortions etc etc ?

Hope So ! 

Was Rajiv Goswami who burnt himself to death while protesting against Reservations outside Government hospital in 1990 made a Success story for No "Reservations" for generations after him to emulate ?

Reservations are more than before in all Government institutions and Merit has taken a back seat.

Suppose a spoofing video is made by some novice and it is uploaded on YouTube.

This Video will be a Hit for sure. Imagine this...

Imagine a person is slapped on one cheek and he/she does nothing but Offer another cheek to get slapped again !

Being Tolerant is different from taking everything to heart and getting all kind of diseases for the beating heart that feels from the mind !

I Do Not Want to Be Tolerant at the cost of My Self respect and Dignity. I want to Even out without resorting to Violent means.

There is a government elected by all of us and some people holding important positions do care to listen to the miseries of common Innocent Humans Trapped from all sides through false Court cases, through Intrusion by Police at Odd times as dictated by their 'Bosses' etc etc.

Everything except Mud Slinging and Character Assassination can be tackled by authorities.

Start working with Ethics intact. Who knows about genuine good will generated over the years may come 'handy' during Golden years of life when a Character Certificate is needed to Show to Society!

This Character Certificate is different from the computer generated certificate given after 10th board exams.

Tackle Stress in a positive way & this result oriented Stress does wonders to the process of ageing gracefully.

Wishing for Happiness for Being Tolerant to Everyone reading this piece , Only till the time being provoked by Selfish Humans to rob us of our Material things, our Hopes for better life,Our Dreams, Our Dignity & Self Respect.