Back pain is common with about nine out of ten adults experiencing it at some point in their life, and five out of ten working adults having it every year.However, it is rare for it to be permanently disabling, and in most cases of herniated disks and stenosis, rest, injections or surgery have similar general pain resolution outcomes on average after one year. Additionally, it is the single leading cause of disability worldwide.
1. Limit Bed Rest
people with short-term low-back pain who rest feel more pain and have a harder time with daily tasks than those who stay active.“Patients should avoid more than three days of bed rest,”
2. Keep Exercising
Activity is often the best medicine for back pain.Simple exercises like walking can be very helpful,
“It gets people out of a sitting posture and puts the body in a neutral, upright position.”But remember to move in moderation, Stay away from strenuous activities like gardening and avoid whatever motion caused the pain in the first place
3. Maintain Good Posture
people have poor posture when going about their daily activities, putting unnecessary strain on their backs.
You can increase the pressure on your back by 50% simply by leaning over the sink incorrectly to brush your teeth. Keeping the right amount of curvature in the back takes pressure off the nerves and will reduce back pain
4. Strengthen Your Core
Most people with chronic back pain would benefit from stronger abdominal muscles,If the abdominals are weak, other areas must pick up the slack. When we strengthen the abdominals, it often reduces the strain on the lower back.
5. Apply Ice and Heat
Heating pads and cold packs can comfort tender trunks. Most doctors recommend using ice for the first 48 hours after an injury particularly if there is swelling and then switching to heat.
6. Improve Flexibility
Too much tension and tightness can cause back pain. "Our goal in increasing flexibility is to put an equal load throughout the body from the feet all the way up to the head.One good exercise is to sit on the edge of the bed with one leg extended and the other one on the floor. Give your hamstrings a stretch by leaning forward while keeping your back in a neutral position.
7. Sleep the Right Way
The amount of rest you get is important, and so is the position you get it in. “Sleeping in a bad position or on a mattress without support can cause back pain.
- Back sleepers should put pillows under their knees.
- Side sleepers should place pillows between their knees to keep their spine in a neutral position.