Its frustrating to see your weight going up when you’re doing everything possible to lose weight.
You seem to be eating right and exercising, but that clearly isn’t working.
Losing weight and staying fit is mostly dependant on a healthy diet and regular exercise routine, but there are a lot of other factors that could slowly be disrupting your weight loss goals:
1. Lack of sleep
If you are not getting enough sleep, then that could be making you feel hungrier.
Lack of sleep causes an increase in stress in your body which leads to secretion of the appetite stimulating hormone ghrelin and makes you feel hungrier.
2. Distracted eating
Sometimes we eat mindlessly and don't even realise we're doing it.
You may be watching TV with your hand constantly dipping into a bag of popcorn before soon realising that it's all gone. Even when you eat your meal while you are working on your computer, it leads to mindless eating. You don't savour the food and end up overeating.
3. Stress
Stress eating is a form of emotional eating which leads to high levels of cortisol hormone released in the body in response to stress. This hormone triggers psychological cravings for salty, sweet and high fat content food that gives you instant energy and pleasure. More stress makes you more prone to emotional eating.
4. Watch what you drink
When people are watching their diet, they generally tend to forgot about accounting for their drinking habits.
Alcohol, fuzzy drinks and juices can be high in calories.
Also, alcohol consumption if often the reason for indulging in unhealthy food. It lowers your defences and willpower so you are more likely to indulge.
5. Menopause
Weight gain can be a by-product of menopause. It’s possible that as estrogens levels fall, the metabolic rate in women also falls. It may also be the case that as women reach a certain age they become less physically active and put on weight because of it.
6. Medication
A common side effect of some prescription medicines is weight gain. Because some of the drugs contain corticosteroids and anti-psychotic drugs, certain drugs can cause fluid retention which leads to weight gain.
If you suspect your medication is affecting your waistline, your doctor may be able to find an alternative treatment that won’t have that particular side effect.
7. Ageing
Ageing is a condition which is unavoidable. During this stage BMR slows down. So you need more exercise and less food — to keep your metabolism going.
8. Poor digestion
Poor digestion leads to insufficient absorption of B-vitamins, iron, magnesium or any of the other nutrients required to burn calories. This results in fatigue and deposition of excess body fat.
When you are unable to eliminate waste properly due to poor digestion, your body will suffer from toxic build-up. Many toxins cause your body to retain body fat and excess water. This results in sluggishness, puffiness and
difficulty in losing weight.
So keep a check on the above mentioned points and keep weight gain away.