Several research studies consistently depict a direct link between magnesium intake and migraines. Foods that help you obtain the recommended intake of magnesium include nuts, whole grains, unpolished rice, legumes, and chlorophyll-rich green vegetables such as spinach. In addition to inadequate amounts of magnesium in the diet, a long list of factors tend to deplete whatever magnesium stores you might have.
 Some of these factors to watch out for: The caffeine found in that coffee and aerated beverage of yours is notorious for removing magnesium from your system The aerated beverage also contain phosphates that bind with magnesium and prevent its absorption Alcohol and nicotine disrupt magnesium levels; so do many steroid and antibiotic medications, as well as those used to treat asthma, diabetes and blood pressure Additionally, diabetics excrete more magnesium than normal—as do people who suffer from chronic diarrhea So yes, ensure magnesium-rich foods are part of your diet if you are prone to migraine headaches or summer headaches. You may even consider supplementing magnesium. A strength of 200 mg/day should suffice.
Pro-tip: Best to have the supplement after a magnesium-rich meal to optimize absorption.

Some additional tips to beat headaches:

  • Increase water intake – Yes, the most common headache trigger for most people is dehydration. With the sun leaching nutrients and water from our body, it is of utmost importance that we carry a bottle of water with us wherever we go and sip on it intermittently. Word of caution: As previously mentioned, caffeine, carbonated drinks and alcohol are beverages which dehydrate us! Don’t say we didn’t warn you
  • Exercise with caution – No, we aren’t saying exercising is bad. But for the summers, strenuous exercise should take a back seat as it could induce headaches. It is always best to modify your workout such that there isn’t overexertion. Work with a skilled exercise professional who would guide you w.r.t your exercise routine
  • Eat every two-three hours – Our brain cells work on glucose! Not giving your body the fuel it needs at the time it needs could aggravate headaches since your blood sugar levels drop. And do you know what happens when levels drop? Our body releases certain hormones to compensate for the depleted glucose levels. This in turn can cause an increase in blood pressure and can narrow your arteries. The end result? Headaches and migraines all because you forgot to eat one quick mid-meal. Certainly not worth it, if you ask us.

That’s our summary for you for this week. Stay cool and headache-free this season!