If you have gone through the procedure of breast augmentation, it is crucial to take care of it to make is last longer and to avoid other complications. There are certain precautions that should be taken after getting a breast implant. It includes:

Taking proper medications

Taking regular medications is important for wound healing and avoiding infections. If any infection occurs in the implant it may need to get removed. If you see any pus or discharge from scar site, report to your doctor.

Wound care

Implant insertion site requires some extra attention. It should be dressed regularly with anti-septic as prescribed by your doctor. It is also important to protect it from sweat and friction to avoid itching or rashes.

Comfortable clothing

Comfortable clothing is necessary to avoid any undue friction causing wound irritation. You may need to wear special bra after transplant to get used to the shape and size of your breast and to protect the wound. It is also recommended to wear only natural fabric until the wound has healed properly.


Regular screening is required after placement of implant to check if the implant is working well and not causing any harm to the normal tissue. It is also important to check if there is any malignancy in the breast tissue.

Self Examination

It is another crucial part of women health whether you have an implant or not. Your doctor may teach you to examine your breast so that you can report any abnormality on time and it can be corrected without delay.

Taking care of your implants for a certain time is absolutely necessary to avoid any complications related to your breasts and general health. If you aren’t sure about anything, feel free to ask your doctor rather than making an independent decision.