You’ve heard it from your mother, aunts, teachers, and doctor your whole life: stand up straight! But have you ever wondered why posture is so important? Today, the gang at My Yoga Tribe talks about why good posture matters and how two simple yoga poses can help you enjoy better, healthier, more attractive posture.

Why Good Posture is Important:

  • It extends and lengthens the spine
  • It strengthens your abdominal and back muscles
  • It promotes good circulation through the body
  • It makes you look thinner, more confident, and more aware of your surroundings

3 Posture Perfecting Poses

Mountain Pose

Get ready to feel the power of good posture! Stand, feet together (or 1-2 inches apart if it’s difficult to stand with your feet right next to each other), pressing the soles of the feet into your mat. Arms should be at your sides, with your chest feeling open, thigh muscles engaged, and tailbone slightly tucked. As you roll your shoulders back and stand tall, your entire body will feel engaged.

Standing Forward Bend

From Mountain Pose, exhale and fold yourself forward toward your feet. Grab your elbows and just hang out for a few breaths. Let your neck hang loose and feel as your spine gently lengthens. Release your arms on an exhale, and on the next inhale, place your hands on the ground, the tops of your feet, or your shins, engage your back muscles, and flatten your back (ideally, your torso will be at a 90 degree angle from your legs). Exhale, relax your back, let your arms drop, and fold back into the bend.

Cobra Pose

Lay stomach-down on the mat, with the tops of your feet pressing into the mat. Place your hands on the mat, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Exhale and slowly push your hands into the mat, straightening the arms, and lifting the torso. Make sure to push your shoulders down, away from the ears.