Approach to shoulder disorders :                       A proper clinical examination which includes history taking often helps to diagnose shoulder disorders properly. Investigations like Shoulder Xray ,ultrasound ,MRI may be required in certain cases to  confirm soft tissues problems like tendon tear,labraltear,bonydefect,etc.

Medical/Non-surgical management: Majority of shoulder Derangementscan be tackled by medical methods like proper rehabitation and overcoming muscleimbalance,strenghthening exercise and preventing progression of stiffness. One mayneed in special cases opd minor procedure like injection to manage pain and stiffness.

Minimal invasive surgery /Arthroscopic surgery: Often used asa tool to correct tendon tear (rotator cuff),labral defects(Arthroscopic Bankart),bonydefects,stiffs houlder correction(Arthroscopi c arthrolysis)in nonprogressive cases,AC.Jointdisorders,impingement,etc.

It has advantage of minimising collateral damage sto normal structureof joint conventionally damage in open surgery.Arthroscopy surgery helps in fasterrehabilitation.In limited number of cases we use open surgery when defects are large,especiallybony defects.

Shoulder replacement:Total Shoulder,partial shoulder and reverseshoulder replacement surgery is done when irreparable cartilage damageo f jointand massive  soft tissue damage is present.Scienceand art of replacement surgery differs considerably incomparison to knee/hip replacementas it is highly mobilea nd unconstrained joint.Decision to undertake type of replacementdepends upon rotator cuff statu sand glenoid status to give good functional outcome.ShoulderJoint replacement surgery is a safe and effective procedure to relieve pain andrestore function.