As people grow older certain health concerns need our full attention especially the oral health.

Good oral health is an integral part of the overall health.

Old age shows number of oral health problems :

1) Periodontal disease: 

Poor oral hygiene or high levels of dental plaque are associated with severity of periodontal disease.

Gum disease worsens if there is poor fitting dentures and in certain diseases such as diabetes, cancer.

Periodontal disease is a leading cause of tooth loss.

2) Tooth loss:

Severe dental caries and periodontal disease are the major reasons for the tooth loss.

3) Denture related lesions:

Denture stomatitis is the inflammation of tissues underlying the dentures.

Ill fitting dentures, improper usage of denture and poor oral hygiene causes denture stomatitis.


Denture hyperplasia is the overgrowth of tissues under the dentures.

Traumatic ulcers seen with overextended dentures or unbalanced occlusion.

4) Root caries:

Tooth roots are more prone to decay.

In periodontal disease the roots will be exposed outside because of gum recession, as a result root caries come on the exposed root.


5) Dry mouth:

Dry mouth/Xerostomia comes from ageing and by usage of some medications.

Dry mouth causes dental caries and chewing,eating & communicating difficulties.


Smoking is another risk factor of dry mouth.

Dry mouth is mostly seen in patients treated for hypertension, psychiatric or urinary problems.

6) Bone resorption:

Bone resorption results from tooth loss and not replacing a missing teeth.

Oral health maintenance in older people:

1) Increasing oral hydration.

2) Brushing twice daily.

3) Flossing once daily.

4) Avoid tobacco and alcohol.

5) Every six months once dental checkup.


Oral health impact will be there on general health and the quality of life.

Poor oral health can increase the risk to general health and affects the nutritional intake.

So it is important to see a dentist regularly, as they can provide good oral health care.