No Politics please.Remember PM Nehru for giving us AIIMS, IITs, IIMs and University Education which was 'Affordable' Imagine a Girl Child becoming a Doctor @ 300/- per year with free hostel room+ food. Parents had to spend only on books and clothes of their daughters which they would have done anyway !
Doctors were Made on Merit Only through tough All India Competition.
Women Doctor of that Era gone by could Save Not One but 3 Daughters through Education.
Accept it that an educated Mother is a Better Mother, she may or may not be a working woman but is more disciplined and More aware about Merits of Educating Daughters.
Society is divided like Never Before about its daughters.
One Segment is bent upon Demoralizing the Mother of Daughters only. She cannot Live Peacefully in her own house without Might of Builders and Connected Lawyers taunting her about Dowry to be collected by selling home under Duress.
Other segment is coping Happily with 1-2 daughters only , giving them best Education and wings to fly to be own Masters to write their own Destiny.
Remember Nehruji for giving a chance to Girls to get Educated from late 50 s ,when these institutions became functional few years after Independence till Reservation became the Done Thing post Mandal during 90 s on wards till date.
As of Today No Parent would Dare to Educate Daughter to become a Doctor @ 1 Cr.
During Those days Education was Dowry for Life and Guys seeking Dowry were abhorred as if girl was not meritorious !
Do Not Blame The Ultrasound Machine and Other Methods to Get a Made by Science Son.Blame the Attitudes of Society that is becoming Only for Me, Mine and for Myself and cares a damn for others.
May be there were good old days when daughters belonged to the community ! Remember Mother India. A Village daughter is Teased by the Son and Mother Kills her own son
Our Daughters are Saved because of that Generation of Lady Doctors who worked hard during Sixties, got through Merit Only in the best Medical Colleges and Could Educate own Daughters and educate Society about Merits of Educating Daughters.
Wishing for good old days to be back again when Making of a Doctor of own Girl will not be @ 1 Cr or having to relocate her to a Foreign Country at age 18.
14th November 2016 Remember Nehruji for saving the Girl Children of that Era through Education.
Save The Girl Child through Education only.
Do we need special Schemes of Government of doling out freebies right at birth of a girl ?