Dr. Ramesh Maheshwari
4 days ago
Risk Factors and Complications Associated with Premature Ejaculation

You're said to suffer from the problem of premature ejaculation if you ejaculate a minute after penetration or are unable to delay ejaculation during sex. There are certain risk factors and complications associated with this condition and being aware of them can help in effective management of the sexual dysfunction.

Risk factors involved:

1. Erectile dysfunction - Your chances of developing premature ejaculation increase if you regularly face trouble in getting or sustaining an erection. More importantly, the fear of not being able to get an erection can cause you to rush through your sexual experiences.
2. Stress - Premature ejaculation increases if you suffer from mental or emotional stress. When this happens, your ability to relax and pay attention during sexual intercourse decreases.
3. Health problems - Even the presence of an underlying health condition like a heart disease may make you rush through sex and ejaculation. Moreover, many heart patients have been reported as having experienced a decrease in satisfaction and frequency after a heart surgery or heart attack.

What are its complications?

Complications that premature ejaculation can cause:

1. Fertility issues - Premature ejaculation can decrease your chances of having a baby or can even make fertilization tricky. During conception, two things need to happen, which are penetration of the vagina and ejaculation, when the latter occurs before penetration, it affect your fertility chances.
2. Stress in relationships - Relationship problems are another complication that you may face when you have premature ejaculation. 

More importantly, a strained relationship can give rise to dissatisfaction between partners. If you experience PE, the best thing to do is not blame yourself or consider yourself as inadequate. Communicate with your partner by speaking openly about the subject.

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