Premature ejaculation is a common sexual disorder that many men face. Apart from ayurvedic treatments, some exercises to delay ejaculation are as also there. They are easy to do and can help you in overcoming the problem of premature ejaculation. 

Kegel Exercise

The primary muscles in the pelvic floor region, bulbocavernosus, and ischiocavernosus get strengthened with this exercise. When an individual is aroused, this musclesget activated. The simple methods to perform these exercises are mentioned below. For best results, you can repeat these exercises for five sets with ten repetitions per set.

Back SqueezeMethod 

Lie on the floor with your knees bent and pointing upwards. Keep your hands flat on the floor. Draw your penis toward your body, hold for five seconds, and release. Do the same thing with your anus muscles the next time. Focus on your pelvic floor muscles to engage them. 

Chair SqueezeMethod 

Sit on a chair comfortably. Now, imagine if you had to stop urine from coming out. Squeeze your penis to get that feeling, and hold it for five seconds.  

Side SqueezeMethod 

Lying on your side on the floor, insert a pillow between your legs and spread them apart. Squeeze both your legs, hold for five seconds, and release.  

The ClosingThoughts 

The above exercises will help one gain more control over the penile muscles. These are proven techniques to delay premature ejaculation, and you can try them the last longer while having sexual intercourse with your partner.  If you want to know more in detail about the benefits of the exercises mentioned above seek the assistance of a sexologist in Delhi. Exercise sexologists near me will also tell you about food habits and lifestyle changes to overcome the problem of premature ejaculation. Meet your doctor for the best advice.