It may come as a surprise that some 20% of all orthodontic patients are adults. But it really shouldn't! When you consider the social and professional advantages of investing in your smile, the benefits are clear. Plus, with the less-noticeable orthodontic appliances that are available today, many people are able to receive this treatment in a more discreet manner.

Healthy teeth can be moved at any age. But as an adult, you'll have more choice in the way this is accomplished. For example, if it's appropriate in your situation, you could opt for clear braces instead of traditional metal appliances. You may even be able to get the results you want using lingual braces, which attach to the tongue side of your teeth, or clear orthodontic aligners, which are transparent and removable. Both of these appliances offer a method of treatment that's virtually invisible.

There are a number of different orthodontic appliances that can be effective in different situations. Which type of treatment is right for you? Let your dentist help you find the best way to get the smile you've always wanted — it's never too late! 

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