What do you see when you look in the mirror: 

  • Dark circles or swelling under the eyes? 
  • An increase in wrinkles or loose skin around the mouth, cheeks, or eyes? 
  • Skin tone that is duller, less firm and lacks the glow once it had?

Rather than going for harsh peels, a surgical facelift, more and more people are opting for a skin care treatment called the Vampire Facelift. Also known as the “vampire facial,” the vampire facelift is actually a nonsurgical skin rejuvenation method. 

What is a Vampire Facelift? 

Vampire Facelift is a safe, effective, advanced and nonsurgical skin care treatment which slow down the ageing and heal skin damage. The core of the Vampire Facelift is a natural product created by your own body that is platelet-rich plasma made from your own blood.

 About two teaspoons of blood are drawn and then processed through the method of centrifugation. This separates the blood’s red and white cells from its platelets and the plasma. This plasma now contains a higher than the normal number of platelets and other natural growth factors and is called platelet-rich plasma, or PRP. PRP is the basis of the Vampire Facelift. 

It is the platelets and other growth factors within the blood that help the body to heal and encourage the growth of new cells. When PRP is re-inserted into specific areas of the skin, the platelet-rich plasma acts as a medium which supports collagen growth and the regeneration of skin tissue. The growth factors go to work to “heal” the skin tissues of the face, increasing collagen and new blood flow. 

This, in turn, soothes and tightens the skin, allowing wrinkles to soften and the skin’s tone and texture to improve.