*Why Acupressure therapy?*The Traditional Yogic Acupressure has Pretty Awesome Science Behind It. This science was developed in China as a sister science of Acupuncture, however original science had emerged from India.Acupressure is a medicinal method that emerged from traditional medicines, and has been part of the alternative system of medicines all over the world for a long time. And studies indicates that it has real medical values in situations or severe ailments like Spondylitis, Migraine, Sciatica etc., — even if it's just a placebo effect or the product of a calming environment. Accupressure works by targeting certain pressure points on the body with steady & acute pressure with fingers/hands and is a way of regulating bodily energy, aiding disease healing and helping health without any apparatus. Even if you don't buy into ideas about energy and flow, however, the idea of targeted massage, whether by yourself or others, at particular acupressure points across the body has been extensively researched, and it reveals some intriguing possibilities for helping sleep, stress, and nausea in particular and to cure any severe kind of ailments.There are various different acupressure points all around the body on the meridian lines that have different uses and effects, as described by many famous/experienced & licensed experts. The points help balance the body’s energy flow (qi). In Acupressure these points are stimulated through applying pressure by fingers or hands. It's suggested that placing force on some acupressure points actually helps the body because it stimulates the same brain pathways similar to pain relief drugs. A study in 2015 from Georgetown noted that applying pressure to a particular acupressure point on rats reduced activity in one of the brain's stress pathways and therefore reduced pain in them. And now it's known that this same mechanism occurs in humans also. Acupressure not only works on your system but it cures all the ailments however chronic it might be. Moreover for a healthy person it helps to reduce stress, fatigue and enhance fitness level to maximum.Whether you believe it or not, when you delve into the science of acupressure's efficacy, you start to discover it's more than it might appear.With the help of Acupressure treatment, patients are getting relief from severe ailments like Spondylitis, Vertigo, Migraine, Sciatica, Anxiety Depressions, Mental Disorders, Abdominal Disorders, Upper and lower back pain/disorders, Autism Spectrum disorder, Asthmatic Disorders, Knee and joint pains/disorders, Urinal Disorders etc.Kindly go through the review sections in the below mentioned link.https://g.co/kgs/Pih15dhttps://ww Aniruddha G Jog+919921002785