A silent bond

Dear all,

Today, in recognition of World Parkinson's Day, I'm launching a series of newsletters to educate you about Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) as a treatment option for this condition.

What is Parkinson's Disease?

Parkinson's Disease (PD) is a brain disorder that affects movement. It develops gradually, often starting with a tremor in one hand. 

Other common symptoms include:

  • Slowness of movement (bradykinesia)
  • Stiffness (rigidity) in the muscles
  • Difficulty with balance and coordination
  • Tremor (shaking) in the hands, arms, legs, or head

Progression and Impact:

Parkinson's progresses differently for everyone. Some people experience slow changes over years, while others see symptoms worsen more quickly. These symptoms can make daily activities like getting dressed, eating, or writing challenging.

Living with Parkinson's:

While there's currently no cure for PD, medications can help manage symptoms for many patients. However, these medications may lose effectiveness over time, or cause unwanted side effects.

This is where Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) comes in. We'll explore what DBS is and how it might help you in the next newsletter!

Stay tuned!

About the author- Dr Sayuj Krishnan is a leading neurosurgeon in Hyderabad. Website -www.drsayujneurohyd.in