Conceiving through IVF opens the door to parenthood for many couples struggling with infertility. But what if the stork decides to bring two bundles of joy instead of one? While twins can be a delightful surprise, it's important to understand the increased chances of twins with IVF and the factors at play.

Higher Odds, But Not Guaranteed: 

Compared to natural conception (around 3%), IVF increases the chance of twins to around 20-25%. This rise is primarily due to the number of embryos transferred during the procedure. Doctors may recommend transferring multiple embryos to improve the chances of implantation. If two or more embryos implant successfully, you'll have twins!

There's another, less frequent, way twins can occur in IVF:

  • Monozygotic (Identical) Twins: Even with a single embryo transfer, the embryo can split after fertilization, resulting in identical twins.

The Doctor's Call: Balancing Success Rates and Risks

The trend in IVF is now leaning towards Elective Single Embryo Transfer (eSET) whenever possible. This prioritizes a healthy single pregnancy over the potential for twins. Here's why:

  • Pregnancy Risks: Multiple pregnancies are more likely to lead to complications like preterm birth, low birth weight, and health issues for both mother and babies. 
  • Success Rates: Advances in embryo selection and culture techniques mean excellent success rates can be achieved with eSET, especially for younger patients and good-quality embryos.

Considering Twins? Discussing Options with Your Doctor

The decision to aim for twins is a personal one. Here are some points to consider when discussing it with your doctor: 

  • Your Age and Fertility: Younger women and those with good-quality embryos have a higher chance of success with eSET.
  • Medical History: Discuss any pre-existing health conditions that could be impacted by a multiple pregnancy.
  • Your Desires: Openly communicate your hopes for family size and if twins align with your vision. 

Twin or Single, the Joy of Parenthood Awaits

IVF can be an emotional rollercoaster, and the possibility of twins adds another layer. Remember, a healthy pregnancy, whether carrying one or two babies, is the ultimate goal. By working with your doctor and understanding the factors involved, you can make informed decisions and embrace the beautiful journey toward parenthood