1. Gluten and Diary

Gluten and dairy sensitivity includes a large number of people with top symptoms, including migraines. 

It's also one of the most straightforward causes to investigate.

Remove gluten and dairy from your diet for two weeks. Keep track of your emotions.

Did your headaches change at all? Record your food intake and symptoms in a food journal.

After cutting out gluten and dairy for 2 weeks, you can slowly add them back in one at a time and continue to track your symptoms.

Common Foods and Drinks Can Trigger Migraine

2. Hormones

Estrogen dominance can lead to migraines as well as low progesterone levels. 

Keeping track of your symptoms according to your monthly menstrual cycle can help figure out which hormone requires support.

Mark down when you have a headache on the same calendar that you track your period and look for connections.

Over-the-counter progesterone cream can help balance dominant estrogens levels. 

Acupuncture may help with the hormonal imbalance. With regular sittings, results will be noticed as improvement.

3. Vitamin Deficiency

Migraines have been linked to low magnesium levels.

Magnesium has the potential to influence blood vessels in the brain, which are a significant cause of migraine headaches.

Magnesium is also beneficial for relaxing smooth muscles.

It might assist you in finding a way to relax if you are tense.

If you suffer from migraines, taking 400 mg of magnesium every day can help you avoid them.

Naturally magnesium levels can be balanced with these foods.

4. Stress  

Stress can cause headaches for a number of reasons.

It causes hormonal imbalances, blood sugar issues, and muscle tightness. 

Chronic stress puts the body in fight-or-flight mode, and we never get into a relaxed state where we can heal and renew.

It's critical to set aside time to relax and decompress.

Meditation, prayer, and yoga have proven to be effective for many people.

When we focus on a positive and let all the other worries melt away, our bodies begin to relax and repair.

And the answer is YES, acupuncture helps in relieving your stress and anxiety.