The Master of Your Life is You .
- By Hemma DSouza -Counselling Psychologist- Cognitive Behaviour-Neuro-linguistic therapist , Life Coach & Mental Health writer at Hilcy Wellness.

Self-Mastery is to live an abundant, fulfilled, and enjoyable life. As a master, it means you are at the cause, instead of the effect of your life.

Self-Mastery is living in alignment with our true selves, and attracting all we could ever want into our lives . 

Transform Self-Sabotage into Self-Mastery the ability to control and regulate our  thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in order to achieve goals.Identify self-sabotaging behaviours , quit them , so you can fulfill your life purpose. do the deep internal work of excavating trauma, building resilience, and adjusting . 

Why we do it, when we do it, and how to stop doing it—for good.

Challengs the common obstacle on the path to personal growth: self-sabotage.Often it is the subconscious reasons why we create our own roadblocks, many of us, when faced with overwhelming growth retreat into our comfort zones rather than accept discomfort and uncertainty.

Here are a few  practical tools to overcome them -

The core concept of being self aware  involves looking inward to understand to reflect the self-sabotaging patterns. Journaling, meditation, and spending time in nature can be helpful tools for introspection. By becoming aware of the  triggers, negative self-talk, and emotional responses, you can begin to dismantle self-destructive behaviors.

Identify and Challenge the Limiting Beliefs . We all hold beliefs about ourselves and the world that can limit our potential, e.g., "I'm not good enough “ Question their validity and replace them with empowering beliefs that support your goals .  

You have the power to choose your thoughts, actions, and reactions. Take Responsibility , Stop blaming external factors for your setbacks, you have the power to choose your thoughts, actions, and reactions. 

Owning your choices empowers you to make positive changes.Develop a growth mindset.  Instead of seeing challenges as roadblocks, view them as opportunities to learn and evolve. 

Embrace the discomfort that comes with growth – it's a sign you're moving forward.Identify and manage your emotions.  Self-sabotage often stems from unprocessed emotions, practices like mindfulness regulates emotions and prevent them from controlling your behavior.

Forgiveness is powerful . Forgive yourself and others for past mistakes. Holding onto resentment hinders your progress. Forgiveness allows you to let go of negativity and focus on the present moment.

Have Healthy boundaries protect your time, energy, and well-being. Learn to say no to requests that drain you or don't align with your values. Setting boundaries can feel uncomfortable initially, but it's crucial for self-respect and growth.

Change is inevitable part of life , accept it . Resistance to change fuels self-sabotage.  Life is inherently fluid. Learn to adapt and embrace change as a chance to step outside your comfort zone and discover new possibilities.

Embrace self-compassion and mindfulness in your self-improvement journey.
By better understanding our brains and bodies, releasing past experiences at a cellular level, and learning to act as our highest potential future selves, we can step out of our own way and into our potential. Happy living !