Many people dream of having a flawless smile and we want to make everyone feel good with a confident smile. So we have developed a treatment option that allows you to create a smile that’s perfect for you. We call this SMILE DESIGN.

What is smile design?

As the name suggests, smile design allows us to work with you to literally design your ideal smile. By looking at every aspect of your mouth, we can combine individual treatments into bespoke menu. This could include straightening misaligned teeth, closing gaps, changing the length or shape of reducing a gummy smile, and whitening your teeth.

Which treatments are involved?

Some patients are looking for a pearly white smile, where some want to straighter their teeth. Our skilful and experienced team discuss your concerns and goals, to give the beautiful, natural smile you have always wanted.

Treatments that could make up your Smile Design include:

  • Straightening misaligned teeth, with the use of discreet cosmetic straightening treatments such as Invisalign, which can work in as a year.
  • Whitening teeth using professional Teeth Whitening agent.
  • Repairing chipped, cracked or broken teeth with Cosmetic Bonding, Veneers Or Crowns.
  • Replacing missing or unhealthy teeth with Dental Implants, A Bridge Or Dentures.
  • Correcting the appearance of existing silver fillings, by replacing them with white ones.
  • Closing gaps with Veneers, Orthodontics Or Cosmetic Bonding.
  • Altering the gum line for a less gummy smile with Gum Contouring.
  • Rejuvenating your appearance and reducing few lines with Facial Aesthetics Treatments.

With so many cosmetic dental treatments available, there are lots of decisions to make, but walk into DENTAL PROFILES for different options and help you to create a treatment plan that’s right for you.