In this post ,I am just going to talk about some precautions which everyone should take with or without LOw back pain 

•DO NOT  move anything heavy by pulling it in front of you.Always push and  never pull.

•Do NOT maintain any one position for a prolonged period.If you have been sitting for an hour,take a break walk for sometime and then continue with your work.

•Do NOT maintain any one position for a prolonged period.If you have been sitting for an hour,take a break walk for sometime and then continue with your work.

•)DO NOT bend over to lift anything heavy off the ground with knees straight.Lift heavy items with your legs, not your back.

•DO NOT  bend forwards.Bending forward does no good to anyone.It might twist your spine for all you know.So whenever you need to bend and pick up something,bend your knees first and not your back and pick up.A slipped disk (also called a herniated disk) happens when a disk between the bones of the spine bulges and presses on nerves,this is often caused by twisting while lifting.Hence,kep your back straight and bend at your knees.