Safe sexual practices  means adopting measures  to prevent the sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unintended pregnancies. Unwanted or accidental pregnancies are quite common these days in young girls and are as a result of unawareness about safe sex practices.  

What are Safe Sex practices ?

There are certain measures which if followed can lead to stress free sexual relations and overall improved relation quality. 

Usage of Condom:  Most of the people are aware of condoms availability in market but only few know how to use it properly as it is the most effective ways to prevent the transmission of STDs, including HIV, gonorrhoea, chlamydia, and syphilis. Condoms should be used during  any type of sex including vaginal, anal and oral sex . 

Vaccination : Vaccines against HPV ( human Papilloma virus) types 6,11,16,18 are available for both male and female use and should be taken. Usually a  three dose schedule is needed for prevention again infection and cervical cancer in females. 

Regular STI Testing: Getting tested for STIs regularly for people with  multiple sexual partners  is recommended for early detection and treatment. Many STIs are asymptomatic initially,  making  regular testing even more important. 

Use of Contraceptive pills: Contraceptive hormonal pills are very safe and most effective of all the methods available for prevention of pregnancy. Almost all women and girls have many myths about safety of these pills but these days very low dose pills are there in market without any side effect like weight gain and can be easily consumed. These pills are quite reversible method of pregnancy prevention and do not cause any problems in conceiving in future.

Avoiding Multiple  Sexual Partners: Limiting the number of sexual partners can reduce the risk of STI transmission. 

Regular health check up by a gynaecologist can detect early signs of STDS and help in cure of these infections.