What is the most important part of our body? There can be a lot of answers as the body functions as a team. Although there is one character who does control most of these parts. The Brain. This absolutely necessary part of ours sits on this delicate part called the “NECK”. This poor structure not only holds one of the most vital organs it also carries some very valuable nerves. Neck pains are notorious. They can range from pesky morning stiffness to spondylosis. Sometimes it is possible that they may present as radiating pains and we may mistake them for shoulder or back pain. Neck pains are usually a result of chronic neglect. There is a need to understand various habits or situations that can lead to neck pains. It is also important to understand how the acute meaning, sudden realisation of pain turns chronic, that is a persistent problem. In these times of a pandemic, work from home has become a need of the hour. Improper positioning combined with head and neck nerding leads to neck stiffness and other issues. It is interesting to note that this habit is not confined to people working on their laptops. It can also be associated with home makers as well as people who have started working out recently. The usual symptoms associated with neck pain can be:

  • Stiffness of the neckPain which is usually muscular in nature.
  • Headaches(cervicogenic)
  • Shoulder pains with or without stiffness
  • Decreased range of movement

In longer duration pains due to neglect there may be associated with

  • Dizziness
  • Rarely blackouts
  • Radiating pain in the shoulders, upper back and hands.
  • Electric shock like sensation associated with numbness.

It is not necessary that symptoms may manifest as stated. Pain is a perception. Our mind has its own way of protecting our body. Every individual has a tailor made threshold to pain. So, how do we deal with it?Most of the to-do list is repetitive. What is needed is to be disciplined in following this routine.

  • Movement exercises of the neck. Up and down, right to left and round and round!!
  • Neck stretches

Neck strengthening.

*All the above when done under a trained physiotherapist gives best results.

These are not limited only to the neck but also the parts adjoining the neck like shoulders, hands, upper back and chest. Neck pains over a period may migrate to the other parts of the back including mid and lower backs giving a false sense of pain origin.These are merely outlines. It is always advisable to talk to your pain physician for clarity of the type of pain and further management of the same. The more troublesome neck pains may require intervention in terms of invasive procedures. This can be avoided with early diagnosis and timely treatment. 

These are testing times. Work stress and home stress are at a different level all together. It is not just that our physical activity that is limited, our mental make up has also been challenged. Keeping physically active with adequate breaks from being in the same position is needed. Home makers who are busy cooking in an awkward position to people lifting heavy loads to IT professionals in front of their laptops, all of you are at an equal risk of being affected by this annoying neck pain. So keep taking breaks, exercise and stretch. Stay healthy, stay safe.