Incorporating physical activity into your work or study routine can have numerous benefits. It not only enhances learning, concentration, and memory, but also boosts creativity and productivity. However, the nature of our work and learning environments often leads to prolonged periods of inactivity, such as sitting in classrooms, labs, offices, attending meetings, or using computers.

Engaging in regular physical activity, whether through remote work or learning, can pose challenges in maintaining a consistent level of movement. Without the usual routines of commuting or walking between classes, it's easy to find ourselves being less active. However, making small adjustments to incorporate more movement into our daily lives can have significant benefits. By finding ways to move that are empowering, comfortable, and motivating, we can enhance both our mental and physical well-being, as well as positively impact our academic and professional performance, and contribute to a healthier environment. Remember, breaking up periods of inactivity with regular movement is essential for overall health and well-being.

Move More, Live More

Benefits of Moving More

Being physically active can often fall to the bottom of your to-do list, and it can be especially hard to find the time and motivation to exercise during busy or stressful times. For many, working and learning are tied to a computer and can mean fewer opportunities to be active throughout the day. But physical activity—even in small doses—can actually help you live, work, and learn your best. The best way to reduce your time sitting is to commit to frequent and short movement breaks. Active breaks such as going to fill your water bottle, impromptu dance parties, standing during a meeting, and desk exercises are all great ways to add a little bit of movement to your day


If active transportation is an option for you, there are many ways to help add movement to your day during your commute or for running errands. Not only does active transportation, like taking transit, support your mental and physical health, but it also helps reduce emissions and protect the planet.


Just 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity each week can help boost your mood, improve self-esteem, and decrease stress, anxiety, and depression.


Exercise can help you sleep soundly and wake up refreshed. Regulated sleep patterns and better rest are also linked with fostering and maintaining mental health.


Regular, moderate exercise helps fight many chronic diseases, and boosts your immune system, helping you heal better. Physical activity is also linked to reduced illness and sick days off.

ACTIVE BODY, HEALTHY MIND: Support your mental health by moving more!

Even a small daily dose of physical activity can help you thrive. It can also lead to increased engagement and social activities, which also contribute to building mental health.

How Much do we Need to Move?

Physical activity varies from person to person, as the amount, intensity, and frequency are highly individualized choices influenced by various factors. It is important to approach it gradually and engage in movements that bring you joy and comfort.

  • Performing a variety of types and intensities of physical activity
  • 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous aerobic physical activities per week (that's just 20 minutes per day)
  • Muscle strengthening activities using major muscle groups at least twice a week
  • Several hours of light physical activities, including standing
  • Limiting sedentary time to 8 hours or less, which includes no more than 3 hours of recreational screen time
  • Breaking up long periods of sitting as often as possible
  • Getting 7 to 9 hours of good-quality sleep on a regular basis, with consistent bed and wake-up times

It’s not that hard to fit in fitness. You can get up and move just about anytime, anywhere to be more physically active and stay healthy. And every minute counts toward the goal. Move more at home, outdoors and just about anywhere!