Burping / holding the child in upright positon for minimum of 20 to 30 minutes


Whenever the child is taking breastfeeding or milk with the help of Katori Spoon or with bottle or paladi, the child is also taking air from the atmosphere and this air goes from the oral cavity to the stomach. 

Initial gas in the stomach leads 2 frequent hiccups which later subsides on its own.

Very common practice is that the mother will keep the upright position for the child for only few minutes till the child takes one burping. 

keep more often in upright position

As soon as the child completes one burping mother / relatives keeps the child back on the bed. The problem arises here that all the gas the child has taken doesn't come out in one burping and henceforth the gas goes into the intestine .

This gas bubbles when cause slight distention of the intestinal wall leads to start off mild discomfort grunting like sound from the child and when the distention is severe enough leads to colic paint which doesn't decrease even after giving milk again and again to the child.

So it is important that even after one burping please do not keep the child back on the bed but keep the child in upright for at least 20 minutes to 30 minutes irrespective of the number of burps the child takes after taking milk (Also do not worry about the burping sound as sometimes you may not hear the noise when the child removes the gas though nose or mouth)

If the mother/relatives are not able to keep the child in upright position for longer duration they can either take help of other members of the family or can use rocker chair to keep the child in upright position in which the back of the child should be well supported.

This upright position for more time is the single most important factor in decreasing the colic pain in your child by at least 50 to 60%.

colic can be controlled without medicines