After a gallbladder removal surgery many patients have one common fear. They often think how normal or how active they can be after their gallbladder is removed. The second most common doubt is what to eat, what not to eat and the diet pattern they need to follow after a gallbladder removal surgery or Cholecystectomy surgery.

How active can you be after a Gallbladder Removal Surgery?

         “Very active” is the best answer. Are there are exceptions to this rule? Let us explore. Generally speaking, stones in the gallbladder happen to individuals who have crossed forty years of age. Women are more vulnerable. The FFFF factor assumes significance here – If you are a Female, Forty Years, Fatty, and Flatulent you may run a higher chance. That being the case, the activity level of middle-aged individual generally slows down when compared to a 20 year old. The metabolism level of a middle-aged normal individual is definitely slower than a 20 year old. So if a gallbladder removal surgery is performed on a middle-aged individual, the activity level will come back to the same level as before the gallbladder removal.

        If the gallbladder removal surgery was performed by laparoscopic means, the patients can resume their normal activities in 3-4 days. On the other hand if the gallbladder removal surgery was done by open surgery methods due to some complications, then the patients can resume their normal activities in 2-3 weeks time. But this time frame can vary from person to person depending on the intensity and severity of the disease along with other medical and co-morbid conditions.

          Generally at 40 years of age there will be some medical problem. So stomach can get irritated as the metabolism slows down. So people who had their gallbladder removal surgery done should realize that their upset stomach in most cases has nothing to do with the surgery they underwent.

        The immediate period after the surgery has to be discounted as the patient who underwent the surgery would be resting and recouping as per the advice of the gastro surgeon. So this period is not taken into consideration. Once the patient is able to resume normal activities, they can observe that the activity level is the same as before.

Diet after Gallbladder Removal Surgery

  •         After the gallbladder is removed, there is no storage for the bile secreted by the liver. The constantly produced bile now drains directly into the intestine only. So logically speaking, food that is rich in fat, and that which is heavy in quantity have to be avoided.
  •         As a general rule, individual with no gallbladder should adopt a lifestyle where they eat smaller meals in frequent intervals. As a matter of fact, eating in small portions is recommended for everyone.
  •        The gastro surgeon who performed the gallbladder removal surgery would prescribe you the diet for few weeks after the surgery. After he gives a go ahead you can switch to the normal diet you are used to prior to the surgery. The safe way is to gradually increase the quantity of food.
  •         Including fibre liberally in your diet can be beneficial on the whole. The most important factor is to watch what you eat.
  •          Check if you develop any digestion problem after having a specific food. If the same food is causing problem once again, then it is better to avoid that specific food once for all.
  •           Go slow on junk food and fatty food. It is always better to avoid them totally for life. After all, you do not gain any nutrition value out of them but for making you obese and unhealthy.

           Generally food rich in complex carb, fibre, protein, and dietary fat, all in smaller portions are recommended after a gallbladder removal surgery.

#Gallbladder #Cholecystectomy #drmaran #diet