Most common anemia is nutritional anemia in children . IDA being no. 1 cause in children esp 6months to 5 years  . 67 % children in India suffering from IDA .

IDA can affect on neurodevelopmental ,growth & immunity of child .. reduce exercise capacity & irritability . 

There are many ways to prevent IDA which includes .

  1 Iron-rich diet: Offer iron-rich foods such as fortified cereals, dried fruits , lean meats, beans,peas,lentils, tofu, dates ,jaggery and dark green leafy vegetables. Breastfed infants should start solid foods at around six months, while formula -fed infants can start around four to six months. 

 2. Iron-fortified formula or supplements: If an infant is exclusively formula-fed or not consuming enough iron-rich foods, a pediatrician may recommend iron-fortified formula or iron supplements to meet their iron needs.

 3. Limit cow's milk intake: Excessive cow's milk intake can interfere with iron absorption. Introduce cow's milk after age one and limit it to 700 ml per day.

  4. Vitamin C-rich foods: Offer foods rich in vitamin C such as citrus fruits like orange ,sweet lemon , strawberries, tomatoes, and bell peppers alongside iron-rich foods. Vitamin Helps enhance iron absorption. 

5. Avoid giving tea or coffee: Tea and coffee can inhibit iron absorption, so they should be avoided, especially during a meal or close to iron-rich foods. 

6. Prevent lead exposure: Ensure that infants and toddlers are not exposed to lead, as it can interfere with iron absorption and lead to anemia. Avoid using lead-containing products or living in older houses with lead-based paints. 

7 Control of hookworm infestations in children is also an important step for prevention of IDA 

8. Regular check-ups: regular checkup  monitor an infant or toddler's iron levels and growth. The pediatrician can assess the need for any specific interventions or iron supplementation.

 9. Delayed cord clamping: During the birthing process, delayed cord clamping (waiting for 1-3minutes before cutting the umbilical cord) can increase the infant's iron stores and help prevent iron deficiency anemia in the first few months of life. 

10. Iron cooking utensils: Cooking with iron pots and pans can increase the iron content of food, especially when preparing acidic foods like tomato sauce.

 11. Education and awareness: Educate caregivers, parents, and childcare providers about the importance of iron-rich foods and the signs of iron deficiency anemia in infants and toddlers. Increased awareness can help prevent and address iron deficiency promptly.