What is hydronephrosis?Hydronephrosis the term doctors use for swelling of 1 or both kidneys. The kidneys are organs in the urinary tract that make urine . Each kidney has 2 parts:●A part that filters blood and removes waste and excess salt and water●A part that collects urineIn hydronephrosis, the part of the kidney that collects urine gets too much urine in it. This makes it swell and get bigger than normal.What causes hydronephrosis?Hydronephrosis happens when the urinary tract gets blocked. Then, the urine can't drain, and it backs up into the kidney. Different conditions can cause a blockage in the urinary tract.In adults, the most common causes of a blockage are:●Benign prostatic hyperplasia ("BPH") – This is the medical term for an enlarged prostate. The prostate is an organ that surrounds the urethra in males .The urethra is the tube that urine goes through before leaving the body.●Cancer of the prostate, or cancer of other organs in the lower belly – Cancer growths can push on the urinary tract and block the flow of urine.●"Stones" in the urinary tract – Stones can form from the salts and minerals that are normally in the urine. These stones can block the urinary tract.Blockages can happen suddenly or slowly over time. They can affect 1 or both kidneys.What are the symptoms of hydronephrosis?Some people have no symptoms, especially if the blockage happened slowly over time. They might find out that they have hydronephrosis when their doctor does a test for another reason.When people do have symptoms, they usually include:●Pain – People can have pain in their lower belly, genital area, sides, or lower back.●Changes in urination – Hydronephrosis usually makes people urinate less than usual. But this doesn't always happen.People can have other symptoms, too, depending on what is causing the blockage. For example, if the hydronephrosis is caused by BPH, symptoms might include:●Needing to urinate often●Having trouble starting to urinate●Having a weak urine stream, or leaking or dribbling urine●Feeling as though the bladder is not empty after urinatingShould I call my doctor or nurse?Yes. If you have the symptoms listed above, call your doctor or nurse. If you are not able to urinate at all, call them right away.Will I need tests?Yes. Your doctor or nurse will ask about your symptoms and do an exam. They will also do tests to check for the cause of your hydronephrosis and see how serious your condition is.Tests can include:●Blood tests●Urine tests●Imaging tests – Imaging tests create pictures of the inside of the body.How is hydronephrosis treated?You might not need any treatment if you have no symptoms, your blood test results are normal, and your kidneys are working normally.If you do need treatment, it will depend on your situation:●To help urine drain, your doctor might put tubes in different parts of your urinary tract.●If your blockage has caused an infection in your urinary tract, your doctor will prescribe antibiotics.●Your doctor will also remove the blockage in your urinary tract. How they do this will depend on what is causing the blockage. For example, BPH that causes hydronephrosis is usually treated with surgery to remove some of the prostate or shrink the prostate.●If cancer is causing your hydronephrosis, your doctor will talk with you about your treatment options. Cancer can be treated in different ways, depending on the type of cancer.●Stones in the urinary tract can be treated with:•A machine that uses sound waves to break up the stones•Surgery to remove the stones•Ureteroscopy – For this procedure, a doctor puts a thin tube into your urethra. The tube has special tools on the end that can break up or remove the stones.