From the time we're young, we're taught that using a toothbrush regularly is one of the best ways to keep our teeth and gums healthy. But which toothbrush is best?The earliest toothbrushes were actually small twigs people rubbed against their teeth to get rid of food bits and other pieces of debris. Over hundreds of years it evolved, beginning to feature bristles made from boar's hair. In the late 1930s, when toothbrushes with nylon bristles were first invented, consumers choosing a toothbrush didn't have many options. Now, the story's completely different. Most stores that sell oral hygiene products now have an extensive collection of different types of toothbrushes on their shelves, including manual (disposable) and powered (electric) varieties.Let’s take a look at the Pros and Cons of the two and find out.

Manual Toothbrush


  • Thoroughly cleans teeth with proper brushing technique. Brushing only takes 2 minutes and you can most definitely keep your teeth healthy.
  • Multiple toothbrush styles, bristles, heads and colours to choose from. You have the ability to choose soft bristles if you have sensitive gums, and a smaller head if you have a smaller mouth. 
  • Easy to travel with. All you need is a toothbrush case and you’re all set to go for your trip. No need to worry about batteries or charging outlets.
  • Inexpensive and often free whenever you make a trip to your dentist. Keep in mind that you should ditch your toothbrush after about 3 months of use.


  • More work.
  • No timing. Manual toothbrushes require you to guess how long your brushing session will last (unless you set a two-minute timer). 
Just for fun, thank you Vincent for creating LOLNEIN.

Electric Toothbrush


  • Easy to use. With a powered toothbrush, all you need to do is place the toothbrush at a 45° angle and let the toothbrush do all the work.
  • Less work for better results. Studies have shown that electric toothbrushes do a better job of cleaning your mouth and removing plaque and debris.
  • More fun and effective to use for children. Children like to take the easy way out on chores. If a child never brushes their teeth because they don’t want to, try having them use an electric toothbrush. It’s less work, it tickles their teeth, and the timer will let them know they’re all done!
  • Built in timer- Electric toothbrushes use a built in timer that stops the toothbrush once two minutes are up; no more guessing!


  • Charging- You’ll either have to charge your toothbrush or replace its batteries.
  • Cost- Electric toothbrushes cost significantly more than a manual toothbrush. There are several types of powered toothbrushes but be prepared to pay more than you usually do.
  • Not as easy to travel with-Traveling with an electric toothbrush can be a hassle. They are bulky and bringing a charger along doesn’t help with room constraints.
  • Easy to break- Dropping your toothbrush can be fatal. You have to be more careful whenever using an electric toothbrush.

Conclusion: One last thing to point out there have been a few studies that prove electric toothbrushes remove statistically significant more plaque compared to manual toothbrushes and are better at fighting gum disease. I personally recommend our patients to use electric toothbrush and manual alternately, any one in the morning and the other at night, which will keep a check in all the areas of your mouth. Despite the studies, your oral health will remain healthy (despite which type of toothbrush you use) as long as you consistently take care of your teeth and visiting your dentist every six months for routine check . If you are on the fence of buying a powered toothbrush, talk to your dentists the next time you go for a checkup.