Diwali is a time for festive spirit and prosperity. Everyone should follow safety rules especially children when playing with firecrackers.Apart from injuries due to burns,it can cause an explosive injury to the ear causing ear drum perforation,dislocation of middle ear bones and inner ear trauma causing hearing loss.Intense sound of great intensity even once can damage the cochlea.Noise induced hearing loss occurs when a sound of more than 85 decibels is presented to the ear for a long time.But, when a fire cracker bursts at close quarters,a very loud sound of 150 db is heard and in susceptible individuals, it can cause hearing loss.

How to diagnose ?

History of loud noise exposure

Ringing sound in the ear/ loudness intolerance

Ear block or hearing loss

The ent doctor would do a detailed evaluation with audiometry and diagnose whether it is only a temporary hearing shift or a permanent hearing shift.

Though few medications are found to be beneficial if given at the earliest,most of the patients ultimately require a hearing aid.

How to prevent ?

Noise induced hearing loss is 100% preventable

-stay away from crackers

-maintain a safe distance

- wear protective ear plugs or ear muffs