World Asthma Day is a day to increase awareness about asthma globally. This day is observed on the first Tuesday of May each year. Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition characterized by inflammation and constriction of the airways, resulting in symptoms like wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, and difficulty breathing. The theme for World Asthma Day 2024 is 'Asthma Education Empowers'- empowering individuals with asthma through education about managing the condition and the importance of seeking timely medical assistance.

Inhaling warm air induce symptoms of asthma. High temperatures together with humidity in the summer months constricts and tightens the airways. Individuals with asthma experiences difficulty breathing under these circumstances.

Breathing in hot air can trigger asthmatic symptoms

Now the summer season has arrived in India, A set of recommendations is presented to assist in managing asthma in this scorching summer.

1) If you have outdoor activities planned, try to schedule them earlier in the day. This will lessen your chances of going outside during the hottest times of the day.

2) Continue consultation with your pulmonologist ahead of the season to discuss treatment options if you know that your asthma is more difficult to control during hot months. The goal is to work with your provider to ensure that your asthma is well-controlled.

3) Keep your asthma inhalers out of direct sunlight and out of the heat compartment of your car. It is wise to keep inhalers in a closed and cool place.

4) In asthma care, it's critical to make sure your asthma is well-managed from the beginning. Remember to take your asthma controller medicines on a regular basis, and always have rescue medications on hand.

5) It is always recommended to stay hydrated and drink plenty of fluids.

6) Always keep a check on the weather forecast and temperature and plan outdoor activities accordingly.

7) Try reducing indoor air pollution by using an air purifier.

Vitamin C Reduces Inflammation and Asthma

There is no asthma diet that can eliminate your symptom, but these steps may help:

Foods To Be Included:

  • Eat to maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight can worsen your asthma. Even losing a little weight can improve your symptoms.
  • Diets rich in Magnesium, Omega 3 fatty acids, Vitamin C, D, E, Beta-carotene, flavonoids are associated with lower rates of asthma attacks.
  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. They are a good source of antioxidants such as beta-carotene, vitamins C, E etc. which may help reduce the inflammation in lungs caused by cell-damaging chemicals known as free radicals.
  • Apples have a flavonoid compound Khellin that helps in preventing inflammation
  • Banana is rich in fibre, potassium and antioxidants that improve lung function and decreases wheezing in children.
  • Berries and pomegranates are rich in antioxidants Beta-carotene or vitamin A-rich foods reduce exercise-induced asthma
  • Citrus fruits like grapes, kiwi, broccoli, Brussels, sprouts, cantaloupe, spinach, dark chocolate, salmon and pumpkin seeds are rich in magnesium. This helps in lung flow and volume.
  • Avocado is rich in MUFA and helps lower cholesterol. Also contains the antioxidant glutathione
  • Ginger has a compound called gingerol that dilates the air passages
  • Kale is rich in Vitamin C, K, A, C, D, Manganese and more
  • Spinach has Vit C, Beta-carotene, Vit E, potassium, zinc, iron, magnesium, calcium
  • Nuts are rich in Vitamin E. Almonds and hazelnuts have tocopherol that helps in cough and wheeze
  • Flaxseeds relax muscles surrounding the bronchi and keep airways open
  • Vitamin D rich foods and Vit D fortified foods strengthen the immune system. Milk, eggs, salmon, and even spending time outdoors in the sun increase Vit D levels
  • Coffee or caffeinated drinks open up airways up to 4 hours after consumption
Any form of physical activity can really help asthmatic symptoms

Practice Eating Everyday:

  • Eat 1 banana a day
  • One glass of apple juice a day
  • Fresh salads and fruits with spinach, tomatoes, kale, avocado, cantaloupe, pomegranate, lettuce, sweet potatoes, carrots, green leafy vegetables etc.
  • Crush 3 cloves of garlic. Add 2 glasses of water. Boil until 1 cup is left. Cool and drink
  • Grate 1 tbsp of ginger. Add 1 glass of water. Boil. Reduce to half glass. Add 1 tbsp of honey and drink
  • Mix 1 tbsp of honey in warm water and drink
  • Mix 1/2 tbsp of cinnamon and 3 tbsp honey and 1 tbsp lemon juice. Mix well and drink
Avoid foods that triggers Allergy and Asthma

Foods To Avoid:

  • Avoid allergy-triggering foods like peanuts, eggs and milk (only if you have a known allergy towards these)Nuts in case of nut allergy
  • Milk and milk products in case of milk allergy or lactose intolerance
  • Processed foods
  • Avoid sulphites; they are a type of preservatives that worsen asthma. They are found in wine, dried fruits, pickles, cherries, shrimp, bottled lemon and lime juice.
  • Canned foods
  • Eating large meals or foods that cause gas will put pressure on your diaphragm, especially if you have acid reflux. This causes chest tightness and trigger asthma flares. These include carbonated drinks, cabbage, fried foods, and spicy foods
  • Reduce the consumption of fats and salts or sodium-rich foods. This helps reduce asthmatic symptoms
  • Avoid salicylates – compounds found in coffee, tea, herbs and spices. Although rare some people with asthma are sensitive to salicylates (naturally occurring chemical compound)
  • Chemical preservatives, artificial flavours and colouring. It increases the sensitivity of people with asthma.
  • Tobacco chewing or smoking also triggers asthma. So quit smoking.