A boil or furuncle is an infection of the hair follicle. It is a very common infection affecting people of all ages. Causes:Staphylococcus aureus is the commonest agent incriminated in the development of boils or furuncle. Some other bacteria may also be responsible for the development of such infections. A poor immune system function is alsoresponsible for the development of boils or furuncles. People with recurrent boil are also more likely to have a family history of boils.Symptoms:A boil generally starts as a hard, red painful lump. Over the next few days a pocket of pus forms over the lump. The skin around the boil becomes infected, red and swollen. Fever might be present in some cases. Swelling of lymph nodes may be seen in severe conditions. Boils may appear anywhere on the body,however the buttocks, stomach, hands or legs are the common sites of involvement. Boils may also appear around the eyes, and this leads to the development of significant swelling or edema around the eyes. Treatment: Boils are generally easy to manage and heal without much complications. Antibiotics like amoxicillin clavulanic acid orcefixime are effective in treating this infection. Topical antibiotics like mupirocin or fusidic acid can also be used. In case of severe or large infections, draining of the pus might be required. Symptomatic treatment should be provided in case of fever or malaise. With proper care, it can be easily treated without any significant complications.