Dr Anita Singla 

There are few experiences in life that are as powerful as pregnancy. The journey of pregnancy, like life itself, is fraught with difficulties and complications. Some pregnancies are classified as ‘high-risk pregnancy’ and require special care in order to achieve a healthy mother and baby. We all want a smooth pregnancy and a happy delivery. Here are some ways to minimize risk and ensure that yours is an uncomplicated pregnancy what exactly is a high-risk pregnancy?The presence of certain risk factors during pregnancy, such as Maternal age: Pregnancy in women over the age of 35 increases or disorders like gestational diabetes, pregnancy-induced hypertension, epilepsy, rheumatoid arthritis, frequent miscarriages, and pregnancy with twins/triplets or previous surgeries on uterus like fibroid removal, previous cesarean deliveries requires special care.Sometimes you begin with a low-risk pregnancy but due to the development of some complications, the risk may arise in pregnancy and move to a high-risk category.Myths associated with High-Risk Pregnancy?High risk does not always imply that something will go wrong. During your pregnancy, you will be closely monitored and may be subjected to special tests to ensure the health of both the mother and the baby. The healthier you are and the better you care for yourself, the more likely it is that you will have a smooth and successful delivery. A high-risk pregnancy does not imply that all of my future pregnancies will be high-risk as well: Certain medical conditions may improve over time and no longer pose a risk in future pregnancies. A high-risk pregnancy does not imply that the pregnancy will be more difficult: While a high-risk pregnancy may necessitate additional appointments and fetal monitoring, it does not always imply a more difficult pregnancy.High-risk does not mean something is wrong with your baby: High-risk doesn’t mean complications are guaranteed. Many women deemed “high-risk” go on to have problem-free pregnancies and happy, healthy babies.If you’re over 35 then your pregnancy will be high-risk: If you’re 35 and healthy, then your pregnancy has a good chance of also being healthy. Age alone isn’t the only driver of high-risk pregnancy. Typically, high-risk pregnancies are a combination of age and other medical factors.Some Tips to Prevent & manage a High-Risk PregnancyPlan early – Don’t wait for the biological clock to begin ticking. The older you get, the more likely you are to experience issues such as infertility (difficulty conceiving), miscarriage, and the occurrence of medical disorders such as hypertension and diabetes.Begin with a healthy BMI– Your weight is a major factor in determining your risk of pregnancy. The more overweight you are, the more dangerous it is for both you and your baby. Exercise on a regular basis and keep your weight under control both before and during pregnancy.Get regular medical checkups – Your blood sugar and TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) levels should be checked on a regular basis. These and other blood tests are necessary even before conceiving to ensure a healthy start.Consult your gynecologist about prenatal care – A preconception visit with a gynecologist is essential for increasing your chances of a successful pregnancy. To improve your health, you will be advised to take folic acid supplements, undergo some tests, and change your lifestyle.Visit gynecologist on a regular basis – During pregnancy, you should see your gynecologist on a regular basis. Regular checkups, blood tests, and ultrasounds help detect problems early and prevent negative outcomes. Communicate openly with your doctor about any concerns you have about nutrition, your baby’s growth, the safety, and purpose of tests recommended warning signs, and special care you require. In the midst of this pandemic, telemedicine is a godsend. To ensure continuity of care while limiting hospital visits, some visits can be replaced by an online video consultation with your doctor.Vaccination: It is critical to get the recommended vaccinations during pregnancy, such as the flu shot (during the flu season), tetanus toxoid, and Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis). Discuss any concerns you have with your doctor about these and other special vaccines that have been recommended for you.Eat Healthily – Eating a nutritious diet in pregnancy is of utmost importance. Fresh, homecooked, seasonal, and local foods eaten as small frequent meals are the best. A balanced diet with the right mix of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and vitamins will prevent common deficiencies in you and the baby. The inclusion of fiber in the diet will keep the common problem of constipation away. Make sure all dairy products are pasteurized and all meat/eggs are fully cooked which will bring down the risk of infections. Avoid consuming junk food, excessively oily or spicy, or stale food. Certainly, avoid smoking, alcohol, and any recreational drug use in pregnancy.During this time, it is critical to stay informed, have a support system with family and friends, and communicate your needs. It is said that it takes a village to raise a child. During your pregnancy, you have the opportunity to build or strengthen your “village.” Making self-care a priority will result in a better outcome for both you and your baby. This includes eating a healthy diet, avoiding toxins and harmful environmental factors, exercising, getting enough sleep, and reducing stress. According to research, there is a link between high stress and disease. It is critical to address any difficult feelings that may arise and to understand that experiencing a wide range of emotions is normal.Regardless of how difficult things may appear, make time to engage in activities that you enjoy. Going for a walk, meditating, connecting with friends, or taking a yoga class could all be examples of this.  Pregnancy is an amazing time to realize our oneness with nature. Surrendering to the intelligence that enables and guides this process, in conjunction with astute professional care and support, produces the best results.If you have any queries, feel free to call Dr. Anita Singla Gynae Clinic at +919717236321