Various form of strengthening techniques may be used which could be as follows:·        

Sensory integration: 

Here various sensory stimuli are used to get the motor response. This technique is used very much in the children who are below the comprehending or understanding age group.·        

If the patient can understand then resisted exercises with the help of springs and pulleys are given.·        

Hydrotherapy and suspension therapy.    

PNT techniques like timing for emphasize which uses the over flow principles are found to be very effective.

 Play therapy: involving the children in some outdoor games also helps in improving the strength of upper limb and lower limb. The game selected should be specific with respect to the muscle that needs to be strengthened. As games forms a type of recreational activity children usually cooperate better.However this should be done with lot of caution to prevent any injury to the child.·        

MAT exercises: 

These exercises can be given to bring about an overall improvement in the coordination, functional activities, etc. weight bearing exercises should be taught at the right time because if the child does not weight bear at the right age then various changes occurs in the bone due to interference within the absorption of important minerals by the bone. 

For instance the acetabulum tends to become shallow due to lack of weight bearing pressure.As a particular milestone age is reached and if the child is unable to do then he must be passively put in that position. 

With repetition the CNS learns that particular activity.If the patient can’t stand he should be made to do so with some external support like splints or parallel bars, etc. so that later when he undergoes calliperization and gait training it is easy for him because he has already experienced the erect posture and force of gravity.