Weight Gain during pregnancy is absolutely normal . On an average a woman gains 10–12 kg during the entire span of pregnancy. Although the weight gain varies from woman-to-woman depending upon body type, eating pattern and severity of nausea and vomiting. A slow and steady rate of weight gain is considered ideal.

While its natural to put on weight during pregnancy it becomes really difficult for most to lose weight after it. Post pregnancy weight gain is a cause of concern and depression among many women but according to experts a woman should concentrate on eating healthy food for the first three months instead of weight loss. This is to ensure that new born gets complete nutrition and also to avoid nutrient depletion from the mother’s body which might lead to other complications later like osteoporosis, caused by deficiencies.

Here are some tips to get post pregnancy weight loss in a gradual but healthy way after you & your body are ready to get started:

Breast Feeding: Breast feeding is great not just to provide nutrition to your baby, but also for you to lose weight. Breast feeding is the reason why fat is accumulated in the mammary glads. As the mother uses stored nutrition from her body in the form of milk to feed the child not only does it is very extremely healthy for the baby but she also uses up the fat cells during this process burning calories & working towards getting back to the pre-pregnancy weight. So remember the more you prolong your baby's dependency on the formula the better it will be for both you & your child.

Post Pregnancy Diet Plan: The body needs time to recover from the stresses of labor, delivery and the hormonal changes in the body. Dieting soon after giving birth can delay the recovery and make one feel more tired, low in energy and some cases also lead to deficiencies in the body. It can also have adverse effect on milk production thus affecting the baby’s health. During breast feeding the mother’s nutritional demands are higher not only in terms of calories but also minerals like calcium, so diet except for that prescribed by the doctor is not at all recommended.

Post 8-12 months of pregnancy you can look at losing the extra weight you might have gained. Losing weight post pregnancy does not mean restricting your calories. It means ensuring that you are getting your adequate supply of nutrition based on daily dietary requirement and avoiding extra rich food that might have been prescribed to you during breastfeeding.

Post Pregnancy Exercise Plan: It is advisable to start with the exercise routine only after 6 months of delivery. You need to consult your doctor before you get on any routine. Apart from helping to accelerate weight reduction, exercises can help tackle post-partum depression, improve the mood, reduce stress and boost the confidence. Finding time to exercise is one of the biggest issues women face when losing weight after childbirth. The one and only solution to this problem is finding a perfect workout plan that suits your schedule and personality. 

For a post pregnancy weight loss plan a few recommended post natal workouts include:

• Yoga and Pilates.

• Swimming and Aqua aerobics.

• Cycling.

• Strength training – under the guidance of qualified health professional is recommended.

• Low impact aerobic workouts.

Having a baby not only changes your life but also bring about many changes in your body including the weight gain. First of all, the woman should have realistic goal about how long it takes to lose weight. From the moment you give birth, your body starts working to shrink your belly back to its pre-pregnancy state, but it's a slow process. So be patient and consult experts to get a customized diet and exercise plan.