Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a commonhealth condition that can affect a woman’s fertility. A complex hormonaldisturbance with a wide range of symptoms

PCOS and infertilityWomen with PCOS often have a hard time gettingpregnant. Most women with PCOS have ovulation dysfunction. In fact, many womenwith PCOS are first diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome when they try toget pregnant and cannot.

PCOS and other health concernsAlong with causing problems getting pregnant, PCOSis associated with some serious long-term health consequences such aspre-diabetes, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. About 1in 3 women with PCOS have pre-diabetes and other symptoms associated withmetabolic syndrome. These conditions may pave the way for diabetes and otherserious illnesses if left untreated.

Managing PCOSThere is no cure for PCOS but there are steps youcan take to manage this condition. 

By maintaining a healthy weight and eating fewerprocessed foods and foods with added sugar, you can improve your body’s use ofinsulin and balance your hormone levels.Weight loss may help regulate your cycles, improvethe frequency of ovulation, lower androgen levels and boost your fertility. 

PCOS during pregnancy

If you do become pregnant with PCOS, you maywonder how the syndrome will affect your pregnancy. Unfortunately, PCOS canincrease the following

Risk of miscarriage

Gestational diabetes

High blood pressure during pregnancy

Premature delivery

Still, many women with PCOS do experience healthypregnancies.

Seek help for PCOS

If you have PCOS and getting pregnant isyour ultimate goal, talk to your doctor. Your doctor will help you find themost effective treatment options, including fertility-boosting medications andhigh-tech modalities, if necessary, to help you get pregnant and start afamily.