What is Plank Exercise?:

The plank is the most powerful full-body exercise, which has helped millions of people worldwide to change their bodies and become fit. A easy it may seem but it is a very efficient exercise to tone and strengthening the core the body.This workout strengthens the buttocks, burn the belly fat, tones the legs and the arms, and straightens the backs at the same time. 

How To Perform The Plank Right:You should keep the toes and elbows in a line with the upper body part, with the back straight. You should breathe deeply, and feel the tension in the abdominal muscles. Keep the neck and the head straight, and contract the buttocks muscles, but maintain balance by dividing the weight between the elbows and legs.When in a proper position, just try to endure it as long as needed.

Front Plank:

Front Plank

Starting Position: Lie on your stomach on an exercise mat or floor with your elbows close to your sides and directly under your shoulders, palms down and fingers facing forward.

Upward Phase:Slowly lift your torso and thighs off the floor or mat. Keep your torso and legs rigid. Do not allow any sagging in your rib-cage or low back. Avoid hiking your hips into the air or bending the knees. Keep the shoulders away from the ears (no shrugging). The shoulders should be directly over your elbows with your palms facing down through the entire exercise. 

Continue to breathe, keeping the abdominal muscles strong while holding this position. Try holding this position for 5 seconds or more.

Downward Phase: Keep the torso and legs stiff as you slowly and gently lower your body back towards the mat or floor.If you experience any pain in the low back with this movement, stop the exercise immediately and consult with your doctor.

Side Plank:

Side plank

Start on your side with your feet together and one forearm directly below your shoulder. Contract your core and raise your hips until your body is in a straight line from head to feet. Hold the position without letting your hips drop for the allotted time for each set, then repeat on the other side.

What Muscles are Used in Plank?:

The plank strengthens the abdominals, back, and shoulders. 

Muscles involved in the front plank include:

Primary muscles: erector spinae, rectus abdominis (abs), and transverse abdominus.

Secondary muscles (synergists/segmental stabilizers): trapezius (traps), rhomboids, rotator cuff, the anterior, medial, and posterior deltoid muscles (delts), pectorals (pecs), serratus anterior, gluteus maximus (glutes), quadriceps (quads), and gastrocnemius.

The Muscles involved in the side plank include:

Primary: Transversus Abdominis muscle, Gluteus Medius and Gluteus Minimus muscles (abductors), The Abdductor muscles of the hip, and the external, and internal obliques.

Secondary: Gluteus Maximus (glutes), Quadriceps (quads), and Hamstrings.