For most women , getting her menses (period ) on time in regularity and flow is a very important matter. This holds true regardless of marital status. Whether she is married or unmarried, she does not want to miss her chums.
Many times the management of missed periods rely on correct diagnosis.
Two most important reasons for delay in getting periods are PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome-A hormonal imbalance disorder) and Unwanted pregnancy
Differentiating correctly between theses two will make timely treatment available in both the cases.
- Problem of irregular menses and PCOS is rampant these days.
- Changing lifestyle, dietary patterns are environmental factors responsible for it.
- Education and career demands on women will make them move out of their family domain and stay on their own managing everything about themselves.
- This will add further to their stress levels.
- Relationship status in new social paradigm is ever changing.
- Knowingly or unknowingly this is another stress factor.
- It becomes imperative to them that periods (menses) come on time.
- If they put missed periods on PCOS, at times their self-diagnosis is incorrect.
- On the face of unprotected sex and having taken an emergency contraceptive pill ( Over The Counter emergency unwanted pregnancy protection tablet) sometimes they find themselves facing an unwanted pregnancy.
- Away from home and family and at times short of money too, they may look for quick fixes with local doc/ family doctors instead of qualified Gynaecologist.
This will further complicate the clinical picture
The first step towards resolving the issue is to seek the consultation of an expert Gynaecologist in your area. For those who are in a relationship , a pregnancy test should be done. Depending on the test results the treatment is offered.
If the pregnancy test is positive, and the woman wants to discontinue, it is best to do so at the earliest as newer methods of abortion like abortion tablets work well in those pregnancies which are of shorter duration. In early cases, the complications rate is also less.
If a pregnancy test is negative, hormonal tests and sonography are advised to arrive at a correct diagnosis.
In either case scenario, your Gynaecologist will help you in getting the correct treatment.