India has still not recovered from the devastating effect of the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there are warnings from various quarters that a third wave could hit India.

What is a Wave in a Pandemic?

The term “wave” is used to describe the trend of rise and fall in the number of infections over a specific period of time. 

In India, there have been two distinct COVID-19 waves, the first in August 2020 and the second in March 2021, separated by a long period of low number of cases. The second wave is ongoing and yet to end. 

What do Experts Say About The Third Wave of Coronavirus?

According to an analytical model developed by a few Indian scientists, the second wave of the pandemic in India is projected to decline by July 2021 and the third wave of the pandemic is expected in about 6 to 8 months from now. 

Prof K Vijay Raghavan, the principal scientific advisor to the government, has stated that if strong measures are taken, the third wave of the pandemic may not be seen in India. 

Will Children be Affected More in The Third Wave?

The second wave of the pandemic saw some children getting infected with COVID-19. As there are no COVID-19 vaccines in India for children yet, they are at an increased risk of exposure to the infection. 

Experts have said that if Covid safety protocols are not followed and there is a third wave, children may also get affected. However, there is not enough evidence to suggest that the third wave is going to affect children predominantly. 

Since children can get infected and spread the infection, efforts must be made to not allow them to become a part of the transmission chain. As seen in the past waves, even severe Covid infections in children are less likely to require ICU admissions. However, the mutant strains need to be carefully watched out for their effect. 

It is important that people do not become complacent with the fall in the number of cases. Getting yourself vaccinated and continuing to follow the usual precautionary measures will help India curtail or delay the third wave.


1. 2021. 'Second and third waves will be more intense' | Council of Scientific & Industrial Research | CSIR | GoI. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 1 June 2021].

2. 2021. Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) | IAP Viewpoint on the Third Wave of COVID-19 in India. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 4 June 2021].

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