Do you have a painful tooth?  Does it pain when chewing, it feels sensitive to hot or cold, it bleeds around a tooth or gums, swelling around a tooth or swelling of your jaw and injury or trauma to the area?  Well root canal is the best treatment to get rid of all these problems. 

So, let’s understand what root canal is?

What is a Root Canal?It is a dental procedure which is used to remove infected material and relieve root canal pain. The root canal contains nerves and blood vessels. The common causes of root canals pain include:Tooth decay which causes pain.Chipped teeth or cracked teeth can cause tooth decay and leads to root canal pain.Trauma to the tooth, dental procedures, and large fillings can also cause root canal pain.Signs You Need a Root Canal

Pain in teeth when eating,Sensitivity to hot or cold.A small lump on the gums near the area of teeth pain.Darkening of the tooth,Swelling of the gums.

What are the steps of Root Canal Procedure?

It is a multi-step dental procedure which involves removing the infected tooth pulp from a tooth and fastening it to protect against future teeth pain.Steps are:The first doctor will take an X-ray to determine the infection.

A local anesthetic is given to numb the area and to prevent pain during the procedure.Next, your endodontist will drill a hole into the tooth and will remove the damaged nerve and pulp tissue by using specialized tools.Then the dentist will seal the tooth or put in a temporary filling to protect you from root canal pain. Sealing a tooth involves placement of rubber into the root canal where the decayed material was removed.In last a crown is fitted to complete the process of relieving root canal pain.

Does Root Canal cause Pain?

When dentist tell people that they need a root canal treatment, they usually think about pain. No Root Canal treatment is not painful always. However, the pain you feel is because of an infection in the tooth not because of root canal treatment. A root canal treatment is done to get rid of the pain. Before the procedure is done, the tooth and the surrounding area is numbed to prevent the sensation of pain. You may experience very little tooth pain and sensitivity after a root canal procedure. If all the nerves are removed completely and canal are shaped well. The patient will not feel much pain after procedure. Patient may feel discomfort while biting on the tooth for few days. To avoid tooth pain and to maintain your crown follow a regular oral care routine.Now a days with advance tools in dentistry like rotary machine and automatic canal measuring device has made root canal treatment easy for dentist and comfortable for patients.

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