Each and every woman is having a dream to become a mother. Apart from nationality, religion, cast, languages, education, urban or rural and so many other factors. Female Infertility is commonly described as a lady who is unable to conceive. So infertility is usually defined as not being able to get pregnant after one year of well-timed and unprotected intercourse. Percentage of Infertility is increasing day by day although there is tremendous revolutionary upgrades in this field. In developed country like America 6.1 million Americans are infertile or 10% of the reproductive age population is infertile according to American Society for Reproductive Medicine. (ASRM). Also in India due to changing lifestyles and shifting to modern concepts of health generated major health issues amongst them is Infertility. 

So one should think of Ayurvedic Lifestyle. Ayurved is the science of living healthy life. One of our patient describes her journey from being infertile to being mother as, "It is a story of despair, hope, loss, sadness, longing and finally Joy". As this issue strongly affects social, Psychological and even financial status of the woman in India. So if you or your colleague is suffering from infertility refer them to Ayurved and spread the joy in family.