Do you feel bloated sometimes from water retention, and wonder how to reduce your water weight and get rid of bloating? Many people experience the problem of bloating which is an increase of water storage in the body due to some foods and health conditions. Bloating leads to increased weight, bloated feeling, and overall feeling heavy. Read on to what causes water retention and know how you can reduce water weight. 

Reasons for water weight– High level of Sodium in your body.– Excess of sugar intake increases the hormone insulin. High level of insulin makes it difficult to get rid of sodium.– Some medications can make the body store sodium resulting in bloating.– PCOS, hypothyroid, menopause and other hormonal imbalances.

Tips for reducing water weight

Reduce salty foods– Reduce your salt intake by avoiding high salt food like pickles, chips, many canned foods, fast food, processed foods. Low and balanced salt intake will retain less of the fluid.

Avoid Soft Drinks– Stick mainly to water and unsweetened teas that will help your body flush out waste products. Avoid carbonated and sweetened drinks as they cause bloating.

Eating certain Vegetables– Broccoli, cabbage, kidney beans, onions, and peppers are top examples of healthy foods that contain difficult-to-digest carbohydrates, which can cause gas. Even if you’re susceptible, don’t stop eating these vegetables; try limiting servings to a half cup at a time. Cooking raw veggies also help.

High Fat foods– Avid fried foods as they take a long time to digest. That’s why it may feel heavy and bloated. Aim for healthy fats such as salmon, olive oil, nuts, and seeds.Some more tips:– Avoid chewing gum- it promotes intake of air into the digestive tract.– Eating slowly helps digest your food better– Lactose intolerance can also cause bloating.Note: Do not confuse water weight with reducing fat! It makes sense to reduce water weight only for those people that are truly experiencing high water retention. If you’re not, then you might just need to get on a weight loss plan.