Lung cancer has become the most common cancer especially in men. Indian medical research institute data states that about 17 lakh new cancer cases in India is estimated to occur by 2021.
Lung cancer happens due to various reasons. Among them, smoking has been the biggest contributor and has contributed to 85% of lung cancer cases in India. The incidence of cancer deaths in developed countries is increasing and has caused 90% of deaths in men and 70% deaths in women.
Cancer incidence cases can also be seen in non-smokers!
Why is it?
The next reason is air pollution which has been the biggest problem in all the metro cities. The air contains fine particulates (PM2.5) and sulfate aerosols, which is released in traffic through exhaust fumes and is increasing the risk of lung cancer.
Also, passive smokers are at 20-30% higher risk of lung cancer than the active smoker. This is because sidestream smoke is more toxic than the mainstream smoke that the active smoker inhales. The toxicity of the side stream smoke increases as it goes from fresh to aged. This is yet to be proved completely however there are more studies that support this notion on the rise.
Steps that are taken so far:
A shift to green technologies and use of more natural resources will reduce outdoor air pollution.
The government is already stressing on using solar energy to reduce the crunch in power consumption. As the health of passive smokers become a major concern, the government has banned smoking in work places and indoor public places. The size of the pictorial warnings on the cigarettes pack has also been increased.
Watch out!
Keep a check on lung cancer signs and symptoms which may be respiratory symptoms like persistent coughing, coughing out blood, wheezing and shortness of breath and other symptoms like weight loss, fever and weakness. In many people the cancer has spread beyond the original point after which these symptoms occur, so digging deep to the root cause is necessary.
4 ways to keep a check on carcinogens
A carcinogen is any substance or radiation that promotes carcinogenesis, the formation of cancer.
1. Detoxification
Detoxification is the process of physiologically or medically removing toxins from your lungs. There are simple home based techniques of detoxing your lungs like - steam inhalation, eating anti-inflammatory foods, controlled coughing, etc.
2. Cancer fighting foods
The primary focus of food intake for any cancer patient should be one that increases your immunity and detoxifies toxins from the body. Many foods have a powerful ability to do this. These foods should be rich in Vitamin C, D and E and the cancer fighting carotenoids. The Indian spice turmeric, cold water fish and their oils or other Omega 3 rich seeds, selenium rich Brazil nuts, sunflower, sesame seeds, traditional soy foods and green tea are some ingredients that can benefit lung cancer.
3. Breathing exercises
The power of oxygenation have been used as a healing therapy for cancer. Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygen rich alkaline environment, therefore doing breathing exercises regularly will eject the excess carbon dioxide present in the body making it less acidic.
4. Exercise
Movement and exercise not only works your heart and muscles but your entire internal respiratory system is rejuvenated. By movement, we take deeper breaths so oxygen can be transferred our muscles. The deep inhalation and exhalation helps greatly in detoxifying the lungs.
Here are 3 simple techniques to QUIT smoking
- Calculate the amount you spend on smoking for a month and think of ways you can better utilise that money. The amount of money you spend on buying packets of cigarettes every month or year can be much more than you imagined.
- Hypnosis is a power technique that programs your brain not to smoke any more.
- Create a support system who motivates you to quit smoking. This can be done amongst friends and family as well as support groups.
As we all know that health is the most important factor in life, we need to unite together in making our environment much more liveable. We all have to make certain contributions to our surroundings that reduces pollution. Be it using public transport, stop burning plastic, switching to more economic friendly alternatives or to quit smoking. Air is priceless and one of the most essential elements for living, so contaminating it leaves you no place to live!