Suffering from premature ejaculation is not uncommon in men and men need to search for reliable sexologydoctors near me. Premature ejaculation is the situation when ejaculation happens quicker than the intended period. If men ejaculate within one minute of penetration. This situation is treatable, and it is not abnormal unless it continues for a long period.

Men often want to know the types of remedies for premature ejaculation. All can check below how premature ejaculation is cured.

  • Experts suggest exercise to manage premature ejaculation. It improves the blood flow all across the body and will help in delaying climax and managing premature ejaculation.
  • Change in food habits, and lifestyle is very important to implement. Food and lifestyle have a direct connection with sexual wellbeing. A good diet and lifestyle can improve the condition of premature ejaculation. Many sexologists in central Delhi confirmed the same.
  • Condoms can decrease sensitivity and keep men away from early ejaculation. Besides normal condoms, Climax Control     Condoms are also available over the counter, which can help in delaying climax.

Besides all those remedies, men can use some supplements to reduce the chances of premature ejaculation. Ayurvedic medications are now available to offer you side-effect-free treatments for Premature Ejaculation. Men can take zinc supplements to treat premature ejaculation. 

Experts also suggest opting for pelvic floor exercises to get the best remedy. But one thing that you need to keep in mind is that there is variation in the human body and condition. One medication that may suit you may not suit others. You should consult one of the best sexologists in West Delhi to decide the treatment protocol for you. One of the trusted doctors to bank upon in the city is Dr. Mahesh Shah. Consult him and get the best solution for your PE problems.