Food is a vital part of healthy life. Many people think that eating a lot of good things will keep them healthy, but there are some basic rules to be followed to make sure that whatever we eat gives us proper benefits. There is a lot of difference between eating good foods and eating properly. If you want to learn how exactly to eat food so that eating healthy foods gives you actual health, kindly go through this article. If you want to improve your health and gets your body feeling good and strong, follow these simple rules -  

  • Don't eat if you are not hungry and avoid overeating. 
  • Reduce the amount of unhealthy saturated and trans fats in your diet. These are found in fast foods like chips, margarine, oils and many boxed or frozen foods. 
  • Avoid eating curds and yogurt in dinner.
  • Drink a glass of water empty stomach daily in the morning 
  • Practice fasting of one meal at least once a week. 
  • After each meal rinse your oral cavity/mouth thoroughly with water. This prevents dental problems. 
  • Avoid taking heavy foodstuff during the evening and in dinner. 
  • Try to have dinner at least 2-3 hours before sleeping.  
  • DO NOT take water or liquids too frequently in between your meals. Avoid taking water intake one hour before and at least one hour after meals. This dilutes the digestive enzymes and disturbs the digestion process. 
  • Fish and milk should never be taken together. 
  • DO NOT mess up by taking too hot or too cold food items together. 
  • Taking a clove of Garlic with water , empty stomach each morning checks cholesterol levels. 
  • DO NOT eat very slow or too fast. Have your meals peacefully , in a comfortable atmosphere. 
  • Avoid taking Cold Drinks with food stuff. 
  • Avoid Juices and prefer to consume fruits as a whole. The fibers help to check the progression of many metabolic diseases. 
  • Try to consume vegetables and fruits along with their edible peels. Natural fiber cleanses the system. 
  • DO NOT take salt with Milk. 
  • Avoid intake of Radish, Green Vegetables and Carrots after milk. 
  • Take a wholesome breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal as it energizes you for the day ahead 
  • Never take Honey with warm water.
  • Have 5-6 small and frequent meals, instead of consuming two big meals. This ensures absorption of the necessary nutrients.