Ever found it difficult to collect yourself after a stressful event?

Emotional resilience is the ability to calm your frenzied mind after encountering a negative experience. It is an intrinsic motivation or an inner strength that helps you hold up through the downsides of life. 

A basic aspect of building emotional resilience is accepting the reality that everything is interlinked and unpredictable at the same time. 

For example, building resilience at work would also make you resilient in your relationships, and vice versa. As you know life is never a smooth ride and it constantly puts forth various challenges. During such situations, maintaining your calm and developing emotional resilience is very important. 

Here are 5 tips to build your emotional resilience and help yourself push through tough times:

1. Self-awareness. It is the ability to control your own feelings, internal conflicts, and perception of the world. It helps you understand what you are feeling and why. 

This understanding helps you modify your response to tough situations and also to cope with difficult emotions such as anger and fear.

2. Emotional Control And Stoicism. People with higher levels of emotional and self-control can redirect and manage their feelings. 

With control over your emotions, you are less likely to be overwhelmed by stress or let it influence your life. 

You tend to think twice before taking any action and won’t fall into any complacency. 

3. Perseverance. It is a continued effort to reach your goals in spite of difficulties or hindrances. 

Being persistent helps you increase your compliance and commitment to keep striving. 

Be it in dealing with external tension or managing internal conflicts, perseverance always keeps your inner strength alive. 

4. Flexible Thinking. It is also called cognitive flexibility or the ability to think differently. Flexible thinking is an important aspect of mental health that contributes to the personal and professional achievement of any human being. 

It is a dominant social skill that includes adjustability, rationality, happiness, and positive thinking. 

A person who has developed these skills through life experiences will be more emotionally resilient and can stay well-balanced in life.

5. Interpersonal Relations. It refers to social connections or bonding with people. Having healthy personal relationships is both an end result and a requisite for emotional resilience. 

If you have the power to build healthy interpersonal bonds at a personal or professional level, then you have already taken one step ahead for a resilient life. 

For building emotional resilience in a broader context, you must have the ability to enhance your interpersonal relationships and be open to developing new skills.

Why is building resilience important?

When you are in a sensitive and unpredictable situation where you sense things are not in your control, it can be very challenging to overcome it.

During such challenging or stressful times, having an emotional balance is important for many reasons. It helps you stay strong and deal with problems in the right way. It also allows you to develop coping mechanisms against events that could be overwhelming.

What are the benefits of building emotional resilience?

  • It helps you manage stressful situations without affecting you emotionally. It helps you overcome challenging situations by relying on your strengths. 
  • Resilience will give you the strength to accept the outcome and move forward positively.

Life will knock you down. It is up to you how to manage unpredictable situations. What is important is not to give up and fight until you succeed. 

Listen to your inner self and believe that, no matter what follows, you’ve got this!  

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