Hair loss is one of the important symptoms of PCOS. This is due to the excess of male hormones, which can lead to acne, hair loss, irregular periods, and hair that breaks fluently and is dry and damaged. 

Hormonal imbalance may lead to alopecia, which has the following features: -

Hair becomes very thin and can break easily. 

The hairline begins to recede above the temples. 

Hair falls out very frequently from the scalp. 

To understand the PCOS problem in deep, it’s very much important to first tests PCOS hormones & then balance the hormone levels. This is a difficult task, but not impossible. In this PCOS treatment, the full cooperation of the patient is very important. 

There are other factors, which may be responsible for hair fall:-

  1. Infections
  2. Certain medications
  3. Anemia
  4. Dandruff
  5. Lack of vitamins and nutrients
  6. Stress
  7. Extreme temperatures

Hair Loss Treatments for Women & What Are the Best Options?

  • Try and find out the root cause, Nowadays PCOS is a very important cause of extreme hair loss, check the PCOS hormones & do the treatment accordingly. Only superficial treatment will not work.
  • Anti-fungal shampoo for dandruff
  • Replacement of nutrients & vitamins
  • Go for gentle hairstyles
  • It may help to avoid tightly bound styles, like braids, and buns, Instead, wash your hair gently.
  • Nutrient-rich foods:- 

1. Eating a variety of Whole Foods, that are rich in nutrients & vitamins can be helpful for hair regrowth.

2. Include iron & Zinc in the diet. Iron & Zinc deficiencies may contribute to hair loss, but getting these nutrients in enough amounts may help prevent further hair loss and promote new growth of hair.

3. Stress relief: —Try to get proper counseling for stress relief & do meditation, exercise & walking. It is said that walking is a stress buster

Natural Hair Treatment:

  1. Massage the scalp with Olive oil mixed with vitamin E. It soothes the scalp and increases blood circulation. It can unblock hair follicles that may be blocked by excess oil.
  2. Use aloe vera gel: — Aloe Vera also soothes the scalp and conditions the scalp hair. It may unblock the hair follicles. 
  3. Use Onion pack:- Onion juice has been shown to promote hair growth and successfully treat hair patches. It is also thought to improve circulation. 
  4. Rice water pack
  5. Omega 3 fatty acids may improve your hair from the inside, as they are filled with nutrients and proteins. It helps the cells to work correctly and boosts immunity, leading to better overall health.