Case of Scrotal Cancer with Advanced Metastasis that was cured with Homeopathy

This case study is written and expressed by the patient himself. 

Gender: Male, Age: 42 yrs/ Male 

I am Hindi Lecturer at M. S. University of Vadodara. In Feb-March 2003, I started suffering from severe pain in the lower abdomen and occasional blood in stool. I started losing my appetite, weight and sleep considerably. There used to be frequent blackouts and weakness. I visited M.D. Physician in a Hospital in Vadodara and started with some very expensive medications with temporary relief and then again there was relapse and I changed the doctor just to have similar outcome once again. Thus doctor advised me to undergo Ultrasonography test once in which I came to know that I had multiple tumors in my abdomen. Then I visited a Surgeon and underwent C.T scan and other reports in which I came to know that my disease was much worse than I could imagine and even lungs had many tumours in them. After unfruitful medications for 1 month I underwent surgery and removal of my prostate and after biopsy of that organ, I came to know that I had Cancer which had spreaded much. I underwent chemotherapy thereafter. But I was under a lot of pain. I was much weak, all the time vomiting, loss of appetite etc. After that course I again underwent C.T. Scan and to my disappointment I came to know that I still had many small tumours in my lung and abdomen. Then I underwent Surgery and Radiotherapy also, only to know after 1 year that my disease was increasing day by day. My symptoms were also worsening. 

Then I came to know about Dr. Ghanshyam Patel and underwent homeopathic treatment given by him. After 5 months of treatment, my C.T Scan reports for the first time showed reduction in number of tumours adding to my hope and I continued the treatment for 1 year and at last reports showed complete removal of cancer from its root and today I am completely cured. My warm regards and Best wishes to Dr.Ghanshyam to continue this service to Humanity till the end of time. Thank you.