Heart is known as HRUDAYAM in Sanskrit & Ayurveda. This word is a mixture of three words:

  • HRU- Which means receiver. Heart receives impure blood from whole body.
  • DA- Which means giver. Heart gives pure blood to completebody.
  • YAM- Means regulator. (YAM is the sloka of choice for Heart-Chakra. No doubt most of the seers meditate with the mantra SOYAM or tosay SONHAM)

Heart is the seat of emotions like joy, sadness, love & compassion. Thus a phrase for emotions always contains heart in it like ‘my heart is full of love and compassion.’ So heart has two aspects, physical & emotional. Both are taken care of with holistic approach of Ayurveda, Yoga and Diet.

Five ways to take care of your #HEART-HEALTH.

1. Lead a #stress-free life. Practice various relaxation techniques like QUICK-RELAXATION-TECHNIQUE, DEEP-RELAXATION-TECHNIQUE regularly.

2. Practice yogic exercises daily like Ustrasana, Paschimottanasana, Surya Namaskar etc.

3. Practice Pranayama regularly like Anulom-Vilom, Bhramari etc.

4. Meditate regularly like OM chanting.

5. Certain Ayurvedic OTC products are good for maintenance of heart health like Arjun, Garlic etc.