Liver Tonic:

Drink one glass of bitter melon juice daily to heal liver problems. Keep consuming this continuously for a week to see results.

Boil bitter melon leaves or fruits in water and consume it everyday to fight against infections. This also helps to build your immunity.

Bitter melon juice benefits include helping to overcome type 2diabetes. It has been a part of the Chinese and Indian ancient medicine for along time but only recent research has proven that it is no folk lore. Type 2diabetes is caused partially due to the inability of a cell to absorb the sugar in the blood due to insufficient insulin or due to development of resistance to insulin. In both cases, the cells are unable to absorb the sugar due to the ineffectiveness of the insulin produced. The absorption of sugar occurs due to the activation of AMP- activated protein kinase in the cells. Bitter gourd activates these kinases due to which the absorption of sugar increases and hence, aids in bringing diabetes under control. Green juice for diabetics: cucumbers, green apples, bitter melon, celery, ½ green capsicum (bell pepper). Bitter melon contains certain chemicals that are like insulin which help to reduce the blood sugar levels.

Bitter melon helps to maintain a healthy liver and bladder. It is also useful in curing kidney stones

Bitter melon can prevent cancer cells from multiplying

Bitter melon contains antioxidants that help to flush out your system. This improves your metabolism and digestive systems, thus helping you lose weight quickly. The two other major factors that aid in weight loss are the calorie control and filling components. Calorie control happens as such because vegetables are low in calories that allows you to consume more quantities of them.